Sunday, April 19, 2009

Xenosaga PS2 Trilogy Episode I + II + III (All Original Black Label)

The Xenosaga series was a overal letdown. The 1st Xenosaga had a great story and show a lot in this game alone with a promising future, when Xenosaga 2 came out is was a complete letdown. Not what anyone was expecting(in a bad way) when it came out and failed to live up to the originals name. Xenosaga 3 was a improvement over 2, showing better gameplay and storyline but still falls short of the original.
The series went down hill and stayed there.
Xenosaga 1 was the ONLY one to get GREATEST HITS, but there are few and far between to find.
Buy Xenosaga PS2 Trilogy Episode I + II + III (All Original Black Label)!

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