At $20 you'll pay too much if you elect to buy this. The three games are ported pretty much intact, and that's the problem--NES Strider already suffered from crippling programming bugs, hit detection, lame control and slowdown. For some reason, the processing power of the GBA magnifies rather than corrects this--the game is constantly slowing down to a crawl.
Mighty Final Fight is good enough for what it is, but the SD characters come off as too small and dumpy on a tiny portable screen and the play mechanics feel really cheap most of the time, which compromises its fun factor somewhat.
Bionic Commmando comes off the best, but is hobbled slightly by the tiny screen dimensions--to play the game well, you need to be able to see your bionic arm clearer than you're able to and it really makes for frustrating play.
On top of all that, the sheer laziness of the conversions--especially compared to the PSP compilaion leaves a bad taste in my mouth. They could have done so much more with this, unfortunately the will wasn't there and was tossed onto the dying GBA with hardly an afterthought. And very much feels it too.
Avoid it like the plague and hope they do a better compilation on the DS someday.Buy Capcom Classics Mini Mix (Bionic Commando)!
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