Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Final Fantasy Adventure

I am 20 years old. I owned one of the original chunky black and white gameboys. So I have played a lot of games over the years, and Im telling you: This one is my very favourite.
Why exactly?
Because the storyline is gripping enough to keep you interested the whole way thru and the characters within it are fantastic.
The game is challenging, but not to the point where it is frustrating.
Unlike the other final fantasy games (and pokemon etc:), in this one you actually get to fight the monsters physically with your sword, like in Zelda..........Is this a good time to mention that Zelda ripped this game off?
The game is long enough to keep you entertained for hours AND give you your money's worth.
Not only that, it is re-playable, and the next time you play, you will observe different things than the previous time.
By all means, if you have the opportunity to purchase this hard to find game, DO!Buy Final Fantasy Adventure!

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