Friday, April 3, 2009

Mighty Final Fight

I don't know if I could call this game "Mighty" but it sure is a nice game for NES Double Dragon fans who are sick of having to press two buttons simultaniously to jump. More than just a Metro City brawler for the original Nintendo Entertainment System, MFF is basically Final Fight with cartoony characters, altered levels, and an ever-so-slightly different storyline.

What make this game better than it's Super Nintendo cousin are the inclusion of all three characters (Cody, Hagger, and Guy), female thugs (the "good girl" theory is NOT politically correct), an Experience Points system (get better as you progress), and the final boss being half-robot.

What don't make this game better than the SNES version are the frustrating difficulty, having to fight some bosses twice, still not having a two-player mode, and not having a good "bad girl" to play as.

Grafix: 8 of 10
Sound: 8
Gameplay: 5
Control Response: 9
Humor: 6
Difficulty: Hard

Note: I am perfectly aware of the real original Japanese Famicom Disk System. When I said original NES, I meant the first one to be released in the US. Also, MFF is compatable with the second NES model released in the US. Also, I know how to spell GRAPHICSBuy Mighty Final Fight!

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