Monday, April 13, 2009

NCAA Final Four

I rented this game even after reading all of the reviews thinking maybe it would be better than what everyone was saying. So i decided to play my first game as my favorite team, the Boston College Eagles. Thats when i found its first obvious flaw. No, i didnt find this flaw it just stumbled upon me like all of the other ones. None of the numbers were accurate. WHere is the Troy Bell like point guard? I couldnt find it. My first game was against Brown. I became even more irate when Browns point guard could not miss. Every team you play there is always one player who hardly ever misses which is nuts. Also, the foul level is very high which has already been mentioned in other reviews. The stadiums and atmosphere .... And the players faces are just plain scary. It looks like im playing super nintendo not playstatoin 2. ....I wouldn't even rent this ....Buy NCAA Final Four!

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