Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine

Clearly this game was designed for folks who have already played either the N64 or the PC version of this title, because the GBC edition completely lacks any semblance of a story: there are no cutscenes whatsoever, nor any explanations as to why you are moving from level-to-level. Basically the current level ends and you're thrown into the next one.

The only shining light for this game comes in its graphics. For a GBC title, this game has a pretty good look. Unfortunately that's not NEARLY enough to offset just how truly tedious this game is! There is no background music, the gameplay is slow and uninspired and, without a compelling story to justify the monotony, is quite frankly....BORING!!!

Some of the puzzles - most notably, the Meroe "block-jumping over water" challenge - were just SO FRUSTRATING that they made me literally want to smash my Gameboy to BITS!!!!

I never got to finish this game, however, because of a very SERIOUS programming flaw I encountered in the Infernal Machine level! I'm not sure if this is true of all copies of the game - in fact, it may be the result of some minor damage to the cartridge itself - but the fact that I had worked SO hard on such a frustrating game only to be shot down near the end by a factor that I could not control was just too much for me to take!

In fact, the only reason I am (perhaps misguidedly) not giving this game a single star is because I am COMPLETELY in love with the PC original and because I consider this game a part of my Indy memorabilia collection.

Goodness, I was SOOO disappointed with this title! I bought it only recently because my parents would not buy it for me when it was brand new (and apparently for good reason). I thought it would provide me with at least a fraction of the fun that the PC game had, but it didn't even scratch the surface! Pair this with the frustration that this game instead provides and what you've got is just one...huge...CATASTROPHE!!!

I'm sorry Indy, but this is SOOOO not a winner! So not!

(And neither was Kingdom of the Crystal Skull...ahem...yeah.)Buy Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine!

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