Friday, April 3, 2009

Final Fantasy XI: The Vana’diel Collection

If you're a Final Fantasy fan, then this game is just what you'd expect. It immerses you in a beautiful fantasy world, richly detailed and innovatively imagined. One thing I really like about this MMORPG that makes it unique is that it actually has a story. The RPG genre just doesn't feel quite right without a story, but Final Fantasy knows exactly how to put meaning and context into all that fighting and leveling.

The battle system could be described as typical Final Fantasy mixed together with the usual MMORPG battle system that you find in Everquest, Anarchy Online, and World of Warcraft. The class system is perfect. You level up as a class rather than a character, and you can switch classes if you like. For instance, if you're a level 12 black mage, you can switch over to white mage where you will start out as a level 1. You can go back to being a level 12 black mage later if you like.

I do have some complaints, though. The game has many clipping errors, which is disappointing considering the high quality I've come to expect form Final Fantasy games. There are many, many, many items and equipment to collect in the game, but you can only store or carry very few.

The absolute worse thing about this game is the walking. Most MMORPG's have vehicles, horses, teleportation, or some other way to get from one place to another. Only very high level white mages can teleport in this game, and the rest of us have to walk everywhere. This means that it's not uncommon to spend half an hour walking just to meet a friend, buy something you need, go to the next place to level, and so forth. This problem alone was so irritating that it was the reason I gave up this otherwise very fun game.Buy Final Fantasy XI: The Vana’diel Collection!

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