Thursday, April 30, 2009

Nancy Drew Mega Mystery 4 Pack: Secrets Can Kill, Stay Tuned for Danger, Treasure in the Royal Tower, and The Final Scene

i love treasure in the royal tower!
it was my first nancy drew game.
i also have danger on deception island.
it is my all-time favorete nancy drew ever!
i really recomend both of them.Buy Nancy Drew Mega Mystery 4 Pack: Secrets Can Kill, Stay Tuned for Danger, Treasure in the Royal Tower, and The Final Scene!

Chrono Trigger Nintendo Player's Strategy Guide

This guide is poorly organized and sucks beyond belief. Besides, any good gamer could figure out what to do in this game. This guide is a total waste of money and I recommend just looking online for help in the game if you absolutely need it.Buy Chrono Trigger Nintendo Player's Strategy Guide!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Final Stretch: Horse Racing Sim

I got this game expecting it to be a good learning game but it is NOT! I wouldn't suggest this game because it really has no story line, is very, very confusing when racing, and if you choose to see the race, you have to be the jockey. There is no instruction manual to tell you how to be the jockey. You can also choose to sim the game, which I don't really get... Overall, this game is very confusing if you don't know how to do it or get bored very easily.

I would suggest Saddle Club games, Let's Ride, and Pippa Funnell games. They have a good story line, some mysteries, and can keep you occupied for hours.Buy Final Stretch: Horse Racing Sim!

Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine

Clearly this game was designed for folks who have already played either the N64 or the PC version of this title, because the GBC edition completely lacks any semblance of a story: there are no cutscenes whatsoever, nor any explanations as to why you are moving from level-to-level. Basically the current level ends and you're thrown into the next one.

The only shining light for this game comes in its graphics. For a GBC title, this game has a pretty good look. Unfortunately that's not NEARLY enough to offset just how truly tedious this game is! There is no background music, the gameplay is slow and uninspired and, without a compelling story to justify the monotony, is quite frankly....BORING!!!

Some of the puzzles - most notably, the Meroe "block-jumping over water" challenge - were just SO FRUSTRATING that they made me literally want to smash my Gameboy to BITS!!!!

I never got to finish this game, however, because of a very SERIOUS programming flaw I encountered in the Infernal Machine level! I'm not sure if this is true of all copies of the game - in fact, it may be the result of some minor damage to the cartridge itself - but the fact that I had worked SO hard on such a frustrating game only to be shot down near the end by a factor that I could not control was just too much for me to take!

In fact, the only reason I am (perhaps misguidedly) not giving this game a single star is because I am COMPLETELY in love with the PC original and because I consider this game a part of my Indy memorabilia collection.

Goodness, I was SOOO disappointed with this title! I bought it only recently because my parents would not buy it for me when it was brand new (and apparently for good reason). I thought it would provide me with at least a fraction of the fun that the PC game had, but it didn't even scratch the surface! Pair this with the frustration that this game instead provides and what you've got is just one...huge...CATASTROPHE!!!

I'm sorry Indy, but this is SOOOO not a winner! So not!

(And neither was Kingdom of the Crystal Skull...ahem...yeah.)Buy Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine!

Monday, April 27, 2009

2 Game Combo - Katamari Damacy & We Love Katamari

These games are great, and as a combo, lots of fun.

I realize that Amazon has a review guideline about price, but price per quantity of fun is an important factor. I see nothing about this combo that warrants a [...] dollar price tag. You can buy on Amazon for lower prices separately. These games are not worth [...] bucks a piece no matter how much fun they are.Buy 2 Game Combo - Katamari Damacy & We Love Katamari!

Chocobo Racing

This game is by fare the best game I have ever experienced! Although a little older like Final Fantasy 7, it is still really really sweet.

Its a fantasy racing game where you area chocobo! At first I was reluctant to buy it, thinking it was a little kids game, but am I glad I did!

By faaar it beats my other games I own in gameplay, story, and it makes me want to play it nonstop! I could barely put it down to write this review. I couldnt get that with any other of my games I own including valian, valkyrie, final fantasy 7, final fantasy 12, final fantasy tactics, san andreas, and scarface!Buy Chocobo Racing!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Panzer Dragoon Saga Video Game

I got this game as a Christmas gift in 1998 and spent my entire vacation playing it. At the time, it was amazing. Graphics were great, game play was revolutionary, the only drawback was the subtitles and the Saturn system overheating, meaning I probably should have taken a break. This game is by far the greats and most compelling i have yet to play and opened the door for Final Fantasy lovers as well. There is a huge online following of people waiting for Sega to develop a sequel or remake for PS3. If you are looking for that one timeless game, you found it. Worth every cent. To this day I cannot get it out of my head. Buy Panzer Dragoon Saga Video Game!

Kingdom Hearts 2 + Official Strategy Guide Combo Playstation 2

For more details on the game, please see my review under the games section...

As to the guide, the real reason for this review:

Unlike the first Kingdom Hearts where the guide was essential, this guide is quite optional. The game has enough hints and exploration value for you to find all the chests and special areas without the guide. There are some nice features in Jiminy's Journal that make completing each world quite effective. You also can beat just about every boss without hints, although the hints will probably help you beat the bosses the first time out.

As to this particular guide, it is very well written, full of information and quite informative for the enthusiast. If you like to know all the details behind every synthesis item, every spell, each form, and each character, this is the book for you. While it has a very nice walkthrough section and step by step expalins most of the decision points of the game, the gameplay itself does not require you have this information to complete.

Overall, the guide should be purchased only by those who really want the detail of the game and want to be deluged with statistics, but it is not a requirement for full game completion.Buy Kingdom Hearts 2 + Official Strategy Guide Combo Playstation 2!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Secret of Mana Game and Guide Bundle for Super Nintendo

I never received this game package. After many email attempts that were left unanswered, Amazon came through with their guarantee and I received my money back. They should not let this man(company) do this anymore. It was one of our favorite games years ago and we were truely looking forward to playing it again and passing it on to the next generation as well. BUYER BEWARE when trying to purchase from this seller!! You will be disappointed. Learn from my mistake. Check the reviews on the seller before buying. I didn't but will from now on!Buy Secret of Mana Game and Guide Bundle for Super Nintendo!

Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete Collector's Set Game and Rare Hardcover Strategy Guide

Somehow my review for this and the first game, Lunar Star Silver Story Complete, got mixed up. I will try to clarify this for you.I own the boxed collection and the hard bound strategy guide. Marvelous! Truly a collectors item.I cannot go into great detail, about the game, since it has been awhile that I have played it. I will say that both this and the first one, Lunar Star Silver Story Complete, were great RPG's for the PSX.(I am an RPG HOUND) The graphics are nice for the time and the music fits the game perfectly! Gameplay is fluid, interesting, addictive and challenging at parts. There are also some puzzles to be solved. A very fun and versatile RPG with a deep story that will haunt you long after you have completed the game. This is VERY rare but worth considering for your collection and enjoyment. You will not be disappointed. A game to not be missed! (If you cannot afford the collection package try to just find the game.)(I suggest you also play the first one mentioned above.) Although I have not played both in awhile they left a lasting impression, for me, in my RPG history as having been a great experience in game playing.Buy Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete Collector's Set Game and Rare Hardcover Strategy Guide!

Friday, April 24, 2009

2 Game Combo Pack - Xenosaga I & Xenosaga II Playstation 2 PS2

Part of an epic trilogy of games, Xenosaga does not disappoint for those who are big fans of the RPG genre. With beautiful cut scenes and a complex story, I've enjoyed following through these two games towards my ultimate goal of completing all three.

Differences between these include the money system. In game one, it is important to invest your money in the stock market wisely to not only earn big dividends, but special products from the companies you send money to. They will send you weapons and special items you can use to help in your game. The second game focuses mostly on selling extra items to pay off a debt for the captain of your ship. It is a massive debt and you are rewarded with some really good stuff if you do manage to pay it off, but it's likely you won't get that done until the post-game quest is almost finished.

Another major difference is the skill system and how you earn certain equipment. The first game includes weapons you can equip to your characters and mechs, ether spells you can unlock and add to your list of available spells, and ways to transfer spells and items between characters. The second game opens these spells and items to all your playable characters, but each one has to earn them on their own through battles and earning the points to unlock them.

The tutorial is a lot different as well. Instead of putting you in an actual simulated learning environment, they walk through a portion of the backstory behind Xenosaga and you're able to get what seems like 'on the job training' for how to fight in both your mechs and as your characters.

Special attacks are automatic, as there are no tech points in the second game. If you have certain characters in your party, you can build up to doing double attacks if you have the right boosts and attack order ready to go. Also, the mechs have different special attacks based on which characters are inside piloting them. There's a large number of combinations between paired characters and mechs giving you several options on how to set up your attacks. You also have the ability to switch party members at almost any point in the game, making it much easier to utilize the attacks you want when you want.

Another thing that changed is the way save points work. Because the shops are no longer available due to a different money system in the second game, save points are automatic bio-spheres, meaning that just walking through a save point will fully restore health and ether points, even without actually saving. You also now have the ability to use any earned bio-spheres you collect through the game at any time.

The second game has many more side quests as well which reward you with various items if you fulfill them. There's something called the Global Samaritan Campaign, and you have over 30 different quests you can do to gather up items and points towards unlocking skills.

Both games are extremely complex, but worth the effort with beautiful graphics and almost cinematic cut scenes. I also recommend either getting a strategy guide or finding a walk-through to assist you because of the complexity. It'll definitely help.Buy 2 Game Combo Pack - Xenosaga I & Xenosaga II Playstation 2 PS2!

Super Hydlide

I'm assumming that no one will ever really see this review, but when I saw that someone had given this game 4 out of 5 stars, I felt it was my civic duty to tell the TRUTH about this's terrible. Owned this game in the heyday of the sega ganasis back in the early 90's. And yes...I begrudgingly went through the entire game start to finish.
The first Hydlide was bad enough, but this one is even worse. The "battle" sequences are you running into enemies over and over again until one of you disappears. There is no skill to the combat. The graphics, music and controls are all a mess. The story makes no sense at all.
THE ONLY WAY YOU WILL EVER BEAT THIS GAME IS TO USE A WALKTHROUGH. It's ONLY saving grace is that the game is SO bad that it's actually kind of funny to play for a minute or two just to get a chuckle out of your friends. I still can't believe they made a sequel to Hydlide in the first place. As my daddy says, "You can't put lipstick on a pig".Buy Super Hydlide!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Quest 64

The game quest 64 is a game about a young boy named Brian who has to collect a book to save the world. In this rpg, you go around collecting elements to level up and defeat enemies for the same thing. This game is huge! It's amazing how satisfying this game is. You have fire, water, earth, and wind as the elements. As you level up, you gain more and more sweet attacks and spells at your disposal. Anyone that likes rpgs I strongly recomend this game.Buy Quest 64!

Final Fantasy V & VI

My first exposure to the FF series was FF7. To me, that is still the best of the series. I heard good things about the earlier games in the series, and wanted to try them out. It was worth it - the games are excellent.Buy Final Fantasy V & VI!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Magnificent March: The Official 2006 NCAA Championship

I just received my purchase of this dvd last week. I was definately not disappointed. My family and I stayed up all Saturday night watching the games, the highlights, and all the extra stuff. This dvd is perfect for the true gator lover, it comes with plenty of bonus features (like a section on the little known Bradley team), Full length coverage of all the Final Four games, and condensed coverage of the entire tournament. This is not to be missed. The only point of contention for me was the interviews. The dvd claimed to have interviews with Billy Donovan, Joakim Noah, and Lee Humphrey. While there were interviews with all three, they were heavily edited and dispersed throughout the Tournament Recap portion only. That was my only problem and it is certainly not big enough to take anything away from what is an awesome comprehensive compilation of the gator boys electrifying season!Buy Magnificent March: The Official 2006 NCAA Championship!

Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight

The Word Street Fighter has been identified as, by any gamer's standards, a Fighting Game. This installment of street fighter, however, is nothing of the sort. As a matter of fact, it's a platformer!
Street Fighter 2010 puts you in the role of a man named Ken (no, he is not the one from the series, oddly) who seeks the the killer of his friend (Who also happens to NOT be M. Bison). As you might have guessed from the title, it is supposed to take place in the future.The game features an upgradable weapon system and an insane difficulty. However,it just seems like Capcom slapped a popular name on an otherwise fairly run-of-the-mill platformer. So, if you are a fighting game fan through and through, don't feel too bad if you pass on this game. However, if you want to test your mettle at old-school platformers, you may want to pick this one up.Buy Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Final Fantasy Adventure

I am 20 years old. I owned one of the original chunky black and white gameboys. So I have played a lot of games over the years, and Im telling you: This one is my very favourite.
Why exactly?
Because the storyline is gripping enough to keep you interested the whole way thru and the characters within it are fantastic.
The game is challenging, but not to the point where it is frustrating.
Unlike the other final fantasy games (and pokemon etc:), in this one you actually get to fight the monsters physically with your sword, like in Zelda..........Is this a good time to mention that Zelda ripped this game off?
The game is long enough to keep you entertained for hours AND give you your money's worth.
Not only that, it is re-playable, and the next time you play, you will observe different things than the previous time.
By all means, if you have the opportunity to purchase this hard to find game, DO!Buy Final Fantasy Adventure!

NCAA Final Four 2003

Does anybody know how to do an alley-oop? I can't find the controls in the manuel. P.S. I also am having problems with the free throw shooting. Please somebody help! thanksBuy NCAA Final Four 2003!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Final Fantasy Legend

I think it is the best because I play it all the time. My friend likes it and is mad because I owned it and found it.I am a big final fantasy fan so buy it if you dont own it buy it. it is really cool.Buy Final Fantasy Legend!

Xenosaga PS2 Trilogy Episode I + II + III (All Original Black Label)

The Xenosaga series was a overal letdown. The 1st Xenosaga had a great story and show a lot in this game alone with a promising future, when Xenosaga 2 came out is was a complete letdown. Not what anyone was expecting(in a bad way) when it came out and failed to live up to the originals name. Xenosaga 3 was a improvement over 2, showing better gameplay and storyline but still falls short of the original.
The series went down hill and stayed there.
Xenosaga 1 was the ONLY one to get GREATEST HITS, but there are few and far between to find.
Buy Xenosaga PS2 Trilogy Episode I + II + III (All Original Black Label)!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Official 2005 NCAA Final Four

This DVD is perfect for fans of college basketball. It is different than the championship DVDs of Syracuse and Connecticut.

This DVD contains:

- A 50-minute feature on the NCAA Tournament
- The entire National Semifinal game between Louisville and Illinois
- The entire National Semifinal game between Michigan State and North Carolina
- The entire National Championship Game

My favorite part of this DVD is the fact that there are three full games to watch. All three games are done without commercial interruption and done by the CBS crew. The 50-minute feature is cool because it has in-depth highlights from some of the biggest games in the first 4 rounds.

If you like Sports DVDs that have full broadcasts of games, than this is for youBuy Official 2005 NCAA Final Four!

Cobalt Game Boy Advance SP with Final Fantasy Tactics

brand new colat game boy advnce sp with final fantasy tactics for 79.00 dollarsBuy Cobalt Game Boy Advance SP with Final Fantasy Tactics!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

ESPN Final Round Golf 2002

I am actually the mother of my special needs son. He has the game. He seems to enjoy it, that is all I can really say. Buy ESPN Final Round Golf 2002!

The Final Round

No tournament mode. The competion consists of whomever you invite over to play. No CPU competitions. Straight up golf, like if you went out by yourself. The gameplay is average but why play this game when you can play another average game with much more options. Really bummed me out being that I have an addiction to virtual golf games.Buy The Final Round!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

1975 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Final Four Highlight Video

1975 NCAA Mens Final Four DVD was sadly dissapointing. There was no audio of the game, only a narrator's commentary and the footage was too brief. It was if I was watching WWII documentary-style file footage.Buy 1975 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Final Four Highlight Video!

NCAA Final Four 2000

Okay, the graphics are disgusting. The game control is horrible. It's physically impossible to block a shot, and you can never fail to steal the ball. Shooting is the worst thing in the world. The only thing that makes this worth 2 stars and not 1 star is that it has so many teams in it. I would give it 1 and a half stars, but that's not available. I would not suggest this game if you want a game that's even halfway decent. I'm glad I only spent [little money] on it used at [a local retailer], because I threw it out after 20 minutes of play.Buy NCAA Final Four 2000!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

NCAA Final Four 2001

At first I rented this game. And I am glad I didn't buy it because it is really bad. There are so many problems with this game. A big problem is that the computer never ever misses. The touch shooting is a terrible feature. With this feature, you won't miss either. I chose Arizona and decided to play against Wake Forest. I won 133-114. The graphics are horrible and it doesn't tell you any players names. Just their numbers and their position. They don't rank teams during the regular season. The game play is terrible. Please take my advise and don't buy this game. If you want a better college game for Playstation try March Madness 2001.Buy NCAA Final Four 2001!

1969 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Final Four Highlight Video

As a kid in high school in Des Moines, I got to enjoy the Drake University Basketball team coached by Maury John. They had a fast, exciting game that was fun to watch. Their star was a guard by the name of Willie McCarter but there was a lot more fire power with the likes of Dolph Pulliam, Willie Wise, Don Draper, Rich Wanamaker as well as a very decent bench. My brother was a freshman at Drake that year and I tagged along with him to a few games at the Veteran's Memorial Auditorium.

Drake, UCLA, North Carolina, and Purdue were the Final Four that year. Drake was such a relative unknown participant that they were often mistakenly referred to as Duke by some of the announcers. Their initial task was to take on two-time defending national champion UCLA starring the great Lew Alcindor. They were something like 84-2 if I recall correctly and, as much as we loved our Drake Bulldogs, nobody was placing any bets on the home team. Their game was the prime time event the first night and most of us started rationalizing that it was nice to have at least made it to the Final Four as they quickly went down 11-0. But as we continued to rationalize, the Bulldogs started whittling away at the lead and actually took the lead well into the game. I'm sure folks in Des Moines are still talking about Wanamaker's blocking Alcinder's shot. The ebb and flo kept us all rivitted to our TV set til the end of the game. You can always tell a Drake fan because they use the phrase "lost by one point at the buzzer". We don't ever count those two UCLA free throws after time ran out.

As it turned out, that was the only game that wasn't a blowout. They still played the consilation game back then and in it Drake beat North Carolina 104-84. UCLA clobbered Rick Mount's Purdue team for the championship (gee, I hope I'm not giving anything away here). We read in the "Register" that the crowds were chanting "Drake's Number 1 1/2". Curt Gowdy called Drake "The most under-rated team to ever play in the Final Four". (If he was still with us he might include George Mason as well).

Well, this was fun remembering that game and that tournament. For decades I wished that, somehow, I could get a video of the game. Then I discovered this DVD and ordered before I realized that it covers the whole tournament and the 1969 All-American Team in a mere 30 minutes. Still, it was worth the price to get the five or so minutes of Drake's brush with Cinderella. Merle Harmon narrates the video and the script is in the present tense ("He's a Junior so he'll be back next season"). There's some fantastics shot of the great Rick Mount as well as the greater Lew Alcindor (soon to become Kareem Abdul Jabbar). I'll watch this one again again again but first, I think I'll mail it to my brother.Buy 1969 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Final Four Highlight Video!

Monday, April 13, 2009

2005 NCAA Final Four Highlights

very good. i was there and they captured all i remember and more. coverage of earlier rounds very good, especially regional finals. Buy 2005 NCAA Final Four Highlights!

NCAA Final Four

I rented this game even after reading all of the reviews thinking maybe it would be better than what everyone was saying. So i decided to play my first game as my favorite team, the Boston College Eagles. Thats when i found its first obvious flaw. No, i didnt find this flaw it just stumbled upon me like all of the other ones. None of the numbers were accurate. WHere is the Troy Bell like point guard? I couldnt find it. My first game was against Brown. I became even more irate when Browns point guard could not miss. Every team you play there is always one player who hardly ever misses which is nuts. Also, the foul level is very high which has already been mentioned in other reviews. The stadiums and atmosphere .... And the players faces are just plain scary. It looks like im playing super nintendo not playstatoin 2. ....I wouldn't even rent this ....Buy NCAA Final Four!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Final Fantasy II 2 Anniversary Edition for PSP [Japan Import] - (with English Option)

good game awesome gameplay relive the classics but the only downer is the repaly value is not so good cause once you play it you dont want to replay it agian. Overall a good game a must have for all RPG players.............Buy Final Fantasy II 2 Anniversary Edition for PSP [Japan Import] - (with English Option)!

Tecmo Super Bowl III: Final Edition

This is nearly a perfect football game, they actually improved over the first installment which I didn't think possible. You now have 16 plays on offense (only 8 at a time on screen), There are more long running plays and passing is more challenging. The QBs can't throw tacklers off as easily either, which leads to more sacks by non-human controlled players. They added trades, free agents and Carolina/Jacksonville. Overall this may be the best football game ever.Buy Tecmo Super Bowl III: Final Edition!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hitchcock: The Final Cut

I was really looking forward to playing this game. My requirements were fine and I even updated when I needed to in order to play this game...well, it kept crashing my computer...and I could never get it to install. It was completely hopeless. This game deserves 0 stars.Buy Hitchcock: The Final Cut!

Final Fight (Sega CD)

Originally reviewed at

Final Fight is one of the most popular beat `em ups ever, but have you played it on the Sega CD?

Like most, I have played Final Fight in arcades, and what a blast it was. When it came came in the form of an SNES cartridge, however, it had several changes: less enemies and items on the screen, less detailed graphics, not as pretty sound/music, a missing stage, etc. While these quirks were tolerable to an extent the SNES port lacked the almighty 2-player co-op, the singlehandedly most important feature in the beat `em up genre that Capcom somehow didn't include. Final Fight CD was made to fix all that.

While the Sega CD never enjoyed much success, it had some drool-worthy features for the time: large capacity of the CD format, much higher music quality, and full motion videos were some of its key assets. FF CD takes advantage of the CD format with voice overs and much more detailed graphics, something that every Final Fight fan can appreciate. Sure, the voice acting isn't great, but it was definitely something that caught your attention back in the day. The detailed graphics were also a sight to see, with more graffiti and destruction throughout the level. It's also interesting to note that while the graphics are more detailed than the SNES incarnation, the colors are less vivid in the Sega CD version due to the Genesis' inferior color palette (32k colors of the SNES vs. 512 on the Genesis).

FF CD also proudly features 2-player co-op, which makes the game a lot more fun. While the SNES version only had two characters to choose from (Haggar and Cody), FF CD also added Guy to the mix. The music also stands out since every track has been rearranged to take advantage of the CD format's superior capacity. The new music still stands the test of time today and wouldn't sound out of place in any modern video game. Good ol' Sega came though once again and broke through the censorship barriers once again. If you ever thought that Billy in the SNES FF looked a little feminine, you were on to something: in the Sega CD port, the original female characters are untouched, while they were censored for the SNES release due to their scantily clad outfits.

So if you're a fan of Final Fight and feel like dusting off your Sega CD, this is a fun game to play with a buddy. With multiplayer, addition of difficulty modes, and cheesy voice overs, you're in for one good fight.

While Final Fight has been ported for modern systems (PS2, Xbox, PSP) in the Capcom Classics Collection, keep in mind that only the Sega CD version has the arranged soundtrack and cheesy voiceovers.Buy Final Fight (Sega CD)!

Friday, April 10, 2009

2006 Women's NCAA Final Four TM0221

Maryland Lady Terps pull off a nail-biting upset to win! This one is for the books and for your shelf to enjoy. The games are exciting to watch. The only issue I had was with the quality of the resolution - not best for large screen TV.Buy 2006 Women's NCAA Final Four TM0221!

Hitchcock's The Final Cut

This game turned out to be pretty boring. Lots of pixel-searching required in order to advance. Ending is pretty weak. Low difficulty, except for the pixel-searching.Buy Hitchcock's The Final Cut!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout (PAL Import)

are we asking for to much like better music and a story line ive played games that had none all i cared about was fighting a game like this should be more responcive when you move but why dose everyone buy the japanese version the us version has a girila in the cover if you dont have the patients to learn to teleport figure out what moves combo then dont buy it remember this game dosnt have a strategy guide iether it came with a booklet or it didnt and the booklet dosnt list all the moves Buy Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout (PAL Import)!

Final Fantasy Collection - Final Fantasy VII + VIII + IX

Personally I would give a 5 star for VII simply because I haven't played a better game in play station 1/2 history (in terms of overall quality; if you talk about picture only, PS2 games usually outperform PS1 games due to the much improved hardware quality.) And a 4.5 star for final fantasy VIII for its decent plot and great music. A 4 star for final fantasy IX for its overall good quality - but not perfect. For the whole final fantasy series, I would say VII is the best for PS1 and X is the best for PS2 - of course, we are now expecting the new VII for PS2... and XII for PS3...
Buy Final Fantasy Collection - Final Fantasy VII + VIII + IX!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Final Fantasy XI: Treasures of Aht Urhgan

I'm playing FFs for years and this version is 1 of the most popular that I played in my life, all you need to start it is a lot of patience to get Lv 75 then all the jobs will be easy for youBuy Final Fantasy XI: Treasures of Aht Urhgan!


I got this game from Santa as a Christmas present ages ago when I was a wee lad. I remember my dad and I played this game while my family watched around the TV. It was a once in a lifetime experience playing this game for the first time as a kid. I was very lucky to get such a great NES game, especially considering it's a more obscure lesser known title.

This game was so awesome. I still pick it up and play it again now that I'm in my mid twenties. The graphics are good for the NES. The music is good. The amount of weapons, magic, armor, items, and powerups you can get are amazing for an overhead RPG Adventure game from this era. And all the weapons and items are useful and placed well throughout the game to keep you from getting too powerful too fast. The controls are good, and the menus are easy to understand. Pacing and difficulty are just right.

I love the boss battles. They are all diverse and challenging. Your allies, the wise men, and the townspeople actually tell you useful information and the story is also interesting. I'm surprised at how little known this title is considering how great it is, especially for an NES game. But everyone I've talked to that does happen to know about this game loves it. If you are a fan of classic adventure games or RPG games, do yourself a favor and pick up a copy. You won't be disappointed.Buy Crystalis!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

NCAA Final Four '99

this game is the best not only does it have the normal big name schools but it also has ivory league and stuff like that the only problem is you can't create schools and you have to do thier schedule so of course i was kansas state and won the championship which wasn't easy but then i started a new season and had the same schedule which is an easy schedule because kansas state isn't good at bball but all and all i love this game i'm now lookin for a newer one so i can be updated if i were you i would get this game it doesn't have the names of the players so the year don't matter but i would like to find one where you can create schoolsBuy NCAA Final Four '99!

Star Trek The Next Generation A Final Unity

This game is very fun to play (Be equipped with a walkthrough..), but this game will not run under XP, it is not a Win95 game, it is an MS-DOS game, Win 95 and 98 users, I suggest that you reboot in MS-DOS mode... Win XP users, find a program calld DOS Box to emulate MS-DOS... Also, this game is very picky, you must have a sound blaster compatible sound card to work...Buy Star Trek The Next Generation A Final Unity!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Final Fantasy VII / Final Fantasy VIII

Despite what Lars Schuller "huairen" says about the availability of these games, they are simply not easy to find and are quite expensive IF you can find them. I have been playing video games for about 15 years, and selling games for about 2 years, so I know the availability and market prices for these games.

Also, I have played many, many RPG's and these are both spectacular games and you will not be disappointed by them. Trust me.Buy Final Fantasy VII / Final Fantasy VIII!

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles with BONUS GameCube/GBA Link Cable

How long have video games been in existence now?!Heres a RPG with no chalenge,very few enemy types,mind numbing music,towns with buldings you cant even go into,shops that sell worthless items,equipment your character cant equip,etc.Horrible stuff.Good graphics though!Thats what sells it,how cares about the other stuff,right game designers?Gameplay is basically slash away at enemies/bosses or you can use your endless magic or cure.Its almost like playing a regular game with a code that makes it too easy!Worst RPG I have ever played.Buy Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles with BONUS GameCube/GBA Link Cable!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

HORI Final Fantasy XI Vana'diel Forever Clock

First of all, I knew that it didn't link with the game so I wasn't disappointed like many others. I actually wanted to buy this clock when I saw the ad in the Chains of Promathia expansion pack for the PC when it came out years ago. I recently started playing again and decided it'd be fun to pick it up and try it out.

First of all I am VERY impressed with how easy it is to set up. For those of you who have problems, I suggest using to set it up. It needs to be down to the second, so it may take a couple tries. All you do is put in your time zone (based on a chart they give you), the date, and the earth time (again this has to be to the second.) and it automatically calibrates all the Vana'diel info i.e. Day, Moon Phase, Time.

Four alarms can be set as countdown timers or just your standard alarm. They can be set to Earth time OR Vana'diel time. For instance, you can set the alarm for 8:00 Vana'diel time so you know when the Mhaura ferry arrives. You can set the Countdown timer for 2 hours earth time to notify you when your 2hr is ready to use again. Alarms are super easy to set and turn on and off.

The cons. You can leave the alarms on so they will perpetually go off every time they're scheduled to. However, the timers must be turned on again after they've completed their countdown. This isn't a huge deal but say if you wanted to synchronize them with a specific airship and have it go off every fifteen minutes and automatically start over again, you can't.

The screen can be difficult to read from certain angles and in certain lighting. The light isn't as bad as most people say though.

The alarms seem too loud for the speakers. They are very loud and, especially during high notes, distort a bit. It's a shame because they're actually quite pretty. They sound like music box versions of the various nation's themes. I don't know why they made them so loud as most people will have this sitting a foot or so away from them while playing.

All in all, I'm very happy with the purchase, the cons are more just little annoyances than anything to deter a purchase. This is a surprisingly sophisticated little device and I recommend it to anyone who avidly plays Final Fantasy XI. Buy HORI Final Fantasy XI Vana'diel Forever Clock!