Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Final Fantasy XI Online - Includes 40 GB Hard Drive

somebody please tell me if this has a fat ps2 in cause i'm really confused!!???!!
Buy Final Fantasy XI Online - Includes 40 GB Hard Drive!

Final Fight Guy

After Final Fight made it's Super Nintendo debut in or around 1990, Nintendo said in one of it's players' guides that the Super NES version included everything that made the arcade title a winner. Well, that was a matter of opinion, as Guy, the two-player mode, and a stage from the arcade game were removed, possibly due to memory constraints. Roxy, Poison, and alcoholic beverages were also removed from the American version. This, in addition to descrete graphical problems, caused the SNES title to sink while the SEGA CD version was much better recieved.
Former pro-wrestler and newly elected mayor Mike Hagger recieves a threat from a gang called The Mad Gears when he refuses to be corrupted and take bribes (Like that would ever happen in real life!) in exchange for letting them run rampant: They kidnap his daughter, Jessica. What the Mad Gears don't know is that Hagger doesn't take kindly to threats, and Jessica's boyfriend, Cody, isn't too pleased either. In this version, Cody's away in Japan so Guy joins Hagger in the streets to fight the Mad Gears and get Jessica back safely.
This is essentially another version of Final Fight for the SNES. While there are a few improvements graphically, the only major difference is that you get to play as Guy instead of Cody.

It's funny how this story coincides with Jessie "The Body" Ventura's run and victory for governor of Minnesota. This story was written prior to Jesse's run.Buy Final Fight Guy!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Lost Odyssey

Excellent game and well worth the wait. I'm not done with it but the gameplay is non-stop and the story line so far is eye catching.Buy Lost Odyssey!

Final Fantasy Legend 2

Originally this game was called 'Saga 2' in japan and was not an installment of final fantasy until this US title. Simply put, it rocks. The leveling system is totally transparent but natural, if you fight with a strength weapon, your strength may go up, the chance increases if you make a kill. You can use MAGI of different types to give a bonus to your stats.

The 'replayability' is off the charts with the ability to have any combination of four: human, mutant, robot, or monster, with duplicates allowed. The different characters offer a broad range of combat and growth style:, robots for example excel at using guns and cannons, their stats are not increased through leveling but by upgrading and swapping out different weapons and armors, monsters only level by changing forms from eating other monsters meats.

For a challenge play as two humans and two mutants (one male and one female of each) because their form of leveling is all from battling, don't let me make you think they are weak however as there are no limits to the strength of the human/mutant character as the robot is limited by the items in the game and the monster is limited by the available monster forms, only the human and mutant can continue to advanced even passed the display limit of 999. For a quick path to victory try one mutant and three robots, they will have unmatched firepower.Buy Final Fantasy Legend 2!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Final Fantasy Adventure

Often overlooked as one of the red-headed stepchildren of the Final Fantasy series, FFA plays more like the early Zelda games than the incarnations of Final Fantasy that we are used to. That aside, the game is amazing, with an amazingly deep plot for the time period and plenty of options to customize your weapons and armor, four character traits that you can level up, and eight spells you pick up automatically through the game. While it can't compete with the depth or graphics of its successors, FFA is definitely an oft-overlooked classic from the original Game Boy era.Buy Final Fantasy Adventure!

Final Fantasy Legend

This was first Final fantasy game, and my first role playing game ever. Well, my first for the 100$ Gameboy (back when it game with a free game - Tetris). This game pretty much set the standard for me in turns of music, story and depth, in fact - the industry!. While our characters were our own creation, they were still an integral part of the story. And I loved the story!. Now, I've found Final Fantasy VII and a new standard. This series has had it's up and downs, & it's telling that players in the 21st Century judge this game harshly without realizing that games back in the 80/90's most of time games were just fun & often/sometimes required thought. Not the eye-candy, 3D-fest, kill everything in site, war-this/war-that that plagues us now. Graphics NEVER made a game back then, playability was what mattered. And this game was playable, in fact I played it twice, wait many times and I'm still playing FF7! Games like this are hard to come by, and with "The World Ends With You" Square *finally* went back to what they do best: strong characters, engaging plot! 3D is great, but what's the point if all you are is great to look at?Buy Final Fantasy Legend!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Final Fight: Streetwise

What idiot thought this was okay to do? This is what happens when American developers take over Japanese franchises! WORTHLESS!Buy Final Fight: Streetwise!

Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales

First, let me explain why I bought this game. A long time ago, I played Chocobo Racing and really enjoyed the short story mode. I'd only wished it had been longer. So, I bought Chocobo's Dungeon 2, thinking it would have a better developed story and be a true RPG. Wrong! It was a hideously boring dungeon crawler that had even less story in it than the racing game. So, when I heard that Chocobo Tales was coming out, I hoped that this would be a true RPG with an excellent story revolving around the cute protagonist, Chocobo. Well, I was half right, it gets the cute (if overly simple) story down, but the gameplay just isn't up to par. Sigh, maybe someday Squeenix will get it just right...

Graphics (score 10/10): The graphics look very nice. Characters and backgrounds are bright and crisp. Plus, the characters are fully 3-D and still look good.

Music (score 8/10): Most of the music is remixed chocobo themes from the final fantasy games. They all sound quite catchy and upbeat, but there's only so much of it you can stand to listen to before you hit that volume button on your DS. Overall, however, music was handled very well and is pleasant enough.

Characters (score 8/10): Given the type of game this is, I didn't expect much character depth. Even so, the characters are handled pretty well given the simplicity of the story. Your main character, Choco, never says anything (the stereotypical silent protagonist, I suppose). However, everyone else is imbued with sufficient personality to make them likeable and even humorous despite their somewhat one-dimensional personalities. Normally, character personalities that are this simplistic (for example, Chubby chocobo likes food--end of character development) would merit a bad score from me, but given the overall simple, light-hearted feel of the game, it seems appropriate.

Story (score 8/10): Like the rest of this game, the storyline is pretty simple. An evil entity called Bebuzzu has been trapped in a book. After he is unintentionally released, he starts trying to take over the world, and Chocobo must stop him. Pretty simple stuff. Even so, this story is still better than the non-existent crap found in Chocobo's Dungeon 2, so I'm pleased. The story gets the job done, and even adds in a few small twists to keep things interesting, so I'm satisfied with it.

Battle System (score 6/10): I really wish there had been regular combat. Instead, the player is forced to take part in "card battles" with opponents. This wouldn't be so bad if the games weren't based largely on luck. You basically have a deck of cards, which you use in battle. You choose what cards go into the deck, but that's where control ends. When in battle, three cards randomly pop up from your deck, and you must choose one of the three to put into play. There's four sides on a card, and each one has either a sword, shield or empty icon on it. The sides on your card matches up with the opponent's , and if you have a sword icon matched to their nothing icon, then you do full damage. If the sword is against another sword, then you do half damage, if it's against a shield, you do no damage. This also works the other way around with the opponent's sword icons up against your shield, sword, etc. Anyway, my main complaint is that it's random which three cards goes into your hand, so it removes a great deal of strategy. It would've been better if you could choose which card to use and when to use it. In fact, I would've preferred regular turn-based combat with an attack, defend, item, etc. commands. I find the card games much more tedious than regular combat, and I'd really wish they hadn't used that system.

Gameplay (score 5/10): This is a bit of a catch-all category for me. Well, remember those card battles? The way you get cards is by winning numerous mini-games all over this game. If I didn't know any better, I would say this game's story was a flimsy excuse to release a game composed entirely of minigames. The vast majority of your time is spent playing mini-games that range from fun to irritating. I'm the sort of person who feels mini-games are better taking a back seat to the action (hence the name "mini" which implies that it should be a smaller part of the game). Unfortunately, 80% of Chocobo Tales is mini-games, which really gets old after awhile. I really wished they'd fleshed out the story with regular RPG conventions like dungeons, battles, leveling-up, etc. instead of mini-game after mini-game. Of course, the way the story is set up, you really can't get away from these mini-games as they are integral to the story. I guess what I'm trying to say is that playing endless mini-games gets really annoying after awhile. Other than that issue, the controls are very nicely done. You can move either with the stylus or D-pad, and the mini-games all controlled nicely. Good thing too, since you'll be playing alot of them (did I say that already?).

Overall (score 6/10): NOTE this score is not an average; it's my subjective overall score. This game really is very cute, and can be enjoyable on the first play-through. The major drawback, though, is that you may never make it through a second play-through since the game becomes rather boring after the first time. Trust me, I tried and just lost interest half-way through. Too bad, I was hoping this would be an awesome RPG starring my favorite Chocobo, but I guess I'll have to keep waiting for that (maybe Squeenix will release a good Chocobo RPG someday!). Anyway, if you can find this game for a good price (less than $20, I'd say), then it might be worth your time since it really is quite enjoyable on the first play-through. Just don't expect any replay value out of this one.Buy Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Final Fantasy Legend 3

This was the greatest RPG ever made for the gameboy (yes even better than any lame Gameboy color RPG except Dragon warrior 3 was good but not better). It was good for it's time. Sometimes some of the lines the characters say can be cheesy but it was a classic. If you are big on old school hndhelds please get this game. you'll be happy you did.Buy Final Fantasy Legend 3!

Final Fantasy 1 & Final Fantasy 2 Bundle

In 1987 a company called Square was sitting on the brink of bankruptcy. Even though they had a couple of good action games, they weren't pulling anything in. Eventually the staffers at Square had resources left for one last game and put the fate of Square in the hands of Hironobu Sakaguchi. Feeling that he couldn't make an action game, he decided he wanted to make a fantasy game. Convinced it would be the last game Square would do he named it Final Fantasy. About one year later, Final Fantasy II hit. The first Final Fantasy hit the US shelves in 1990 but the second didn't come until 2003 with the release of Origins.

This package is very close to the two original released games. The only exception is the updated graphics and a new translation. Much everything else remains unchanged. They're both good games, although Final Fantasy II definitely suffers more than the original game.

Final Fantasy, the first one, is simple. You guide a party of four around to gather up the crystals needed to save the world. Unfortunately, Final Fantasy has no narrative to drive its story along and the characters are all generic. This was, if you didn't know, standard at the time of its release. However, you did get to pick what class your four warriors would be. Either a Warrior, Black Mage, White Mage, Red Mage, Thief or Monk. While core statistics are different and mages can cast spells, there's really not much difference between the warrior, monk, and thief.

Battling in Final Fantasy is also a bit different as the game pits you in several battles quite often. Since there's no ATB gauge, it's entirely turned based. You select your actions and then watch as your characters attack. Battles will eventually get repetitive and you'll be very frustrated with the encounter rate, especially because you won't succeed in running from battles, and you'll also find that you can be attacked by nine enemies at once. Not to mention that Final Fantasy didn't use MP, but rather gave you a certain number of times you could cast a level spell. Final Fantasy was, in the end, an incredible challenge. And yes, you'll have to spend several hours just level grinding to be ready for the next dungeon just to make things easier. Another big problem with Final Fantasy is that the pacing of the game is incredibly slow. The first half is incredibly boring, but the second is surprisingly absorbing and you'll just want to keep plowing away. The NES limitations may slow some people down, especially if you started with later games in the series.

While Final Fantasy is worthwhile to fans, Final Fantasy II is a definite hit or miss. The story is certainly much better and it paces much better. Not to mention you aren't given a clan of generic characters to deal with, but characters with actual names. In terms of story, Final Fantasy II is a huge step up from the first one. Unfortunately, everything else is something of a mess due almost entirely to the battle system.

In Final Fantasy II, there's no such thing as levels. There are only stats. And they increase based on a characters actions. If a character attacks a lot, his strength will go up. If he uses a lot of magic, his magic goes up. If he takes a lot of damage, his HP and defense goes up. Your weapons level up as well. The longer a character uses a weapon, the more proficient he becomes with it. Likewise, this is also how magic levels up. The more you use it, the more powerful you are. This sounds good until you realize that as some stats increase, others go down. If your strength increases, there's a chance your magic will go down. This makes it nearly impossible to have a balanced character. It is also of no help to Final Fantasy II that you'll have to spend an unusually long amount of time doing this because much of the battles are hard. This is especially true given that just taking a few steps off the beaten path on the world map can pit you in a battle against enemies far stronger than your characters. The biggest problem, however, is that you have no way of telling just how strong your characters need to be. In short, Final Fantasy II may have a better story and better pacing than Final Fantasy I, but the gameplay really hinders it.

Both games look better and sound better at least, but they both suffer from some very similar problems. The first being the random encounter rate in both is sky high and you won't always have the resources to keep going through many of the game's long dungeons. The second being that the games never really inform you of where to go next unless you talk to a ton of people which can be a problem as well. And even when you know where to go next, you don't know how to get there. It opens the door for exploring but in these two games, doing that will get you killed. Several times. The biggest problem with both, however, is that you can only save at inns or by using tents. There's a quicksave feature for the games but it only saves a temporary file and it gets erased once you turn the Playstation off. This is a huge problem considering how long dungeons are... especially the final dungeon of each game. A feature to save anywhere would've been nice.

If you're interested in how the Final Fantasy series began, this is a good game to pick up. However, you may want to just pick up the Dawn of Souls port on the GBA instead. It fixes some of Final Fantasy Origins bigger problems by making both games a bit more balanced as well as adding a save anywhere feature and new dungeons. Buy Final Fantasy 1 & Final Fantasy 2 Bundle!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Final Fight One

Pointless to review a game that hasn't been available in years, but oh well. I shouldn't have sold my copy...

I've come to believe that Final Fight One is probably the definitive version of Final Fight.

-Mighty Final Fight (NES)-too hard, doesn't really play that well (and obviously the visuals and music aren't up to par)
-Final Fight (Arcade-also emulated on Playstation Portable/Playstation 2, etc.)-the second worst music (behind the NES version), and lacks the nice interface and extras of the other versions.
-Final Fight (SegaCD)-one of the best versions. Enhanced in quite a few ways from the arcade version, and nothing's been cut.
-Final Fight/Final Fight: Guy (SNES)-Probably my third favorite version. A few things are altered and cut do to memory constraints (including the most dull level in the game, and one of the three characters). Music is enhanced substantially over the arcade version, and overall I like this better than the arcade.

-Final Fight One (GBA)-Now we get to why I think this one may even be better than the SegaCD release (at least as a single player game). Visually it's very close to the other versions. Better in some ways, though apparently a few light effects were cut that were in the SNES game. The music isn't quite as good as the SNES release, but still vastly superior to the arcade one.
Beyond being portable, the other big improvement is this version has the most single player content. There are a decent number of unlockables that you get basically just for playing through the game. Most significantly, Cody and Guy from the Street Fighter Alpha incarnations are fully playable characters with completely different art and somewhat different fighting styles-essentially giving this release 5 fully playable characters.Buy Final Fight One!

Chrono Trigger

The Time Traveling RPG epic from the SNES era is back and as good as ever! It's the same Chrono Trigger you remember from the SNES, but with some extra content that was found on the PS1 re-release. There's a new final boss that also gives you a new ending. It also contains a new monster battle game (think Pokemon) that isn't really that fun, but that's not the reason anyone would buy this anyways.Buy Chrono Trigger!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Final Fight X: Streetwise

Final Fight: Streetwise is not worthy of the panning it got from the critics. On the other hand, it is both to short and has a somewhat schizophrenic design team. Still, it's a pretty worthy investment.Buy Final Fight X: Streetwise!

Final Fantasy XI Chains of Promathia Expansion Pack

Great Game... Exelent expansion to what could be called the greatest massive multiplayer game for any console and maybe even PCBuy Final Fantasy XI Chains of Promathia Expansion Pack!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

C-12 Final Resistance

If C-12 was released four or five years ago this game would have been considered revolutionary, but sadly C-12: Final Resistance showed up for the dying (but still kicking) PS1 too little too late. The storyline is nothing original (you play as a one man army mowing down hordes of alien enemies hellbent on destroying humanity in a post-apocalyptic future), but the action is well done, and the controls are pretty decent. Graphics are a bit of a setback here though, polygon drop out is aplenty here, not to mention some of the enemies look a little ridiculous. All in all however, C-12 isn't a bad game at all, it just showed up at too late a time. Next-generation only gamers will have no interest in C-12, but if your still holding on to your PS1 (or if thats the only system you own) you'll have a bit of fun with this, and fans of the Syphon Filter series will dig it as well.Buy C-12 Final Resistance!

Final Fight II

Final fight 2 is a nice side scrolling beat em up just like the original. This one you go to different countries, And you still can choose haggar. The moves are pretty sweet to. I love the weapons, knives all that cool stuff. I can play this game forever it is so addicting. Buy Final Fight II!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Final Fantasy VII

I had been looking for final fantasy VII for about 3 years.
Awesome game. A++Buy Final Fantasy VII!

Final Fight 3

Final Fight 3 is actually the fifth game in the series that made side-scrolling beat-the-hell-out-of-em genre so popular in the very late eighties and early nineties: Final Fight Revenge was released on the Sega Saturn in Japan and Mighty Final Fight was released on the 8-Bit Nintendo Entertainment System in the NES's final years.

This video game features four different street-fighting heroes: Mike Hagger the pro-wrestler gone mayor (remind you of a certain Minnesotan governer?); Guy, the fist-throwing karate expert from Japan; Lucia, the "Angel Eyes" detective; and Dean, the electricity-enhanced brawler. This is the kind of game you and a friend should play when you just want to knock bad guys senseless without having to worry about consequences. To ad replay value, you can take different routes in certain parts of the game.Buy Final Fight 3!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Final Fight - for SNES - Super Nintendo

I remember being a kid and playing this in the arcade. The super nintendo version is a slight different. you can't choose guy, however it is still fun and really cool action beat em up is great in my book. Final fight has really cool sound quality for it's time to I think.Buy Final Fight - for SNES - Super Nintendo!

Final Fantasy XI: Wings of the Goddess Expansion Pack

The inclusion of campaign has pretty much removed the player's dependency on parties (at least at higher levels). The ability to log on, play for 15 minutes or so and actually get something done is what this game has been lacking, but now it's there.
The new job Dancer is absolutely amazing. Scholar has yet to impress me, but others seem to like it.Buy Final Fantasy XI: Wings of the Goddess Expansion Pack!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Final Fantasy XI Online

Excellent game, , can't wait for Square-Enix to publish the next MMORPG. Just bought this game to use on a PS3 console and it rocks!!! Eventhough the graphics on the game are obviouslly for the PS2 it still looks incredible, the game itself seems endless and i just hope i have enough time to play it before the release of the next Final Fantasy Game.Buy Final Fantasy XI Online!

The Final Fantasy Classic Collection - Final Fantasy 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, & Chrono Trigger

These are your favorite FF Classics, and even some that weren't released within the US before the PS1. All of the games work without error, and are in new condition (in the original seals).

Note that these games are the greatest hits versions, and are reproduced by Square-Enix. When you receive them, you'll notice that it says Square Enix, instead of Squaresoft. That's because these games are special ordered from Square-Enix, and they simply updated the logo. Nothing else has changed.

I love these games, and wouldn't trade them for anything. They're a must have for any FF Collector.Buy The Final Fantasy Classic Collection - Final Fantasy 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, & Chrono Trigger!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout

Well, it isn't the greatest game in the world but being the ultimate Dragon Ball (original,Z,GT) fan that I am, I thinks it's cool. I was so hype when I saw this game the first time, when I was really young, that I bought the import (Japanese version) and had to get a special import disc to play it. Of course, when I got older, I realized I made a mistake. I couldn't understand a thing but it was still fun to play. So I decided to get it in english off here and I did but it wasn't the reprint, which I really wanted since it was a brand new 2004 re-release with way better DBZ:GT artwork. Ehhh, o well.... Buy Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout!

Final Fantasy XI Chains of Promathia Expansion Pack

"To reiterate, the current expansion, Chains of Promathia, has steep requirements at almost every turn that players must complete in order to reap the rewards that await at that story arc's conclusion. In the broader scale of things, Final Fantasy XI has a much steeper learning curve than games like World of Warcraft and Guild Wars, requiring six-person parties (or larger) to achieve most anything in the game. "

"level-capped areas..."
- From 1up.com 03/15/06

It's hard. And time consuming. I've been a video game player for a long time now and after playing this for awhile, I have to say that the missions contained in this box are some of the all time hardest I have ever come across. A casual game player, like someone who maybe knows who Super Mario is, would not stand a snowball's chance in hell of passing even the first mission. The complexity and challenge of even the first set of three missions is staggering. It requires absolutely perfect play from the people participating. You must have no distractions. You must always have a complex and planned out strategy for every single step of the way. Oh and "level capped" areas mean you will need to expend more in-game money to have an entirely different set of equipment for when you can scrape a party together to go on these hard "capped" missions (which also mean your characters strength, defense and abilities will be given a serious handicap/gimping).

Of course, the payoff is huge. The final area, which players call {sea} is beautiful and provides access to rare Armor and item upgrades not available anywhere else. Chains of Promathia was designed in many ways to be the ultimate challenge for people that have already become experienced (no pun intended) in this online virtual world. I guess it can be said that an extreme challenge is a lot more fun than going around and defeating every monster in sight in the easy new player areas.

The more seasoned players need new pastures to play in, and this expansion pack provides (most importantly) many, many new zones and locations to travel in (not just "sea"). Perhaps that is the most important aspect of this expansion pack - the new areas, some of which are normal and regular exp camp locations. So not having this means less invites to "exp" party groups (which allow the character to grow stronger).

The actual storyline and animation of movies/cutscenes are very nice, really. They truly are deep, pleasing and rewarding. There are elements of J.R.R. Tolkein and the Neverending Story at work here, along with tons of very original material from the writers over at Square Enix. The work you have to do to see this journey unfold, though, is very rough going.

For serious Online Role Players, Final Fantasy XI, with its high learning curve and deep complexity, is the ideal choice. Oh, and if you are a casual gamer who thinks they are ready for a challenge, well then step up. It just might take you awhile to get past the Promyvions. (;Buy Final Fantasy XI Chains of Promathia Expansion Pack!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Final Fantasy XI Treasures Ahi Urhgan Expansion Pack

Recieved the game in a short time and works very well. Thank you, couldnt find it anywhere in the store's.Buy Final Fantasy XI Treasures Ahi Urhgan Expansion Pack!

Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest

Game is not of the actual Final Fantasy genre. It is like an encountering slow lvling adventure where the encounters are engaged by the player and are not random. It is fun, but is not like many of the Final Fantasy games.Buy Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Final Fantasy VIII 8 + Final Fantasy IX 9

This collection brings back a lot of good memories. I forgot how much I had really loved them(and still do). Very, very satisfied. Buy Final Fantasy VIII 8 + Final Fantasy IX 9!

Final Fantasy VII, Platinum Edition

Beware of the 'EA Classics' Version of this game advertised under 'New'. These are not the Official Eidos/Squaresoft Platinum Edition. Also Electronic Arts were never associated with Final Fantasy VII so the 'EA Classics' does NOT mean 'Electronic Arts'. The ones advertised are Bootleg Imports from Asia. Please support the Official USA version of the game and stop sellers from selling the illegal version.Buy Final Fantasy VII, Platinum Edition!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Final Fantasy

the game that started it all is still one of the best around. even with the fancy graphic of today, you just can't replace good gameplay.Buy Final Fantasy!

Final Fantasy XI: The Vana'diel Collection 2008

Final Fantasy XI online is an MMORPG worth investing in. The graphics are beautiful, the jobs are diverse, and you can choose from four different races of inhabitants. The cities are fully functioning with Mog Houses for the players, where you are assisted by a Moogle, auction houses from which you can buy practally anything or sell any unneeded gear, and many NPC inhabitants from whom you can gather information or take on missions.

It is easy to get lost in this world of Vana'diel in your efforts to escape daily stress or just immerse yourself in the game play. I play a mithra (cat person) with my main job being thief. The game play is fun and the developers have made it easy for incoming players to level quickly on their own. There are still many fights that take an alliance of 18 or more people to take down, and there is the possability of getting better pieces of eqipment from these fights. I would highly reccomend finding a linkshell (an ingame community of players who have similar interests and goals in the game) to get help with learning the ropes and eventually getting through the missions and higher level fights as you progress.

My only complaint (and the only reason I didn't give this a 5 star rating) is that many of the higher level fights take soooooo long. For example, as a thief there is an item highly desired called a swift belt. To get this, you have to fight in one area for an item to spawn the enemy that will drop the belt. You then have to go to the other area where you trade this item to ??? to get the mob to spawn. Through out all of this, you are also fighting other mobs in the area, due to agro or just to clear the area. You cannot solo a swift belt run and so many of the alliance may also have/need the item to pop the mob. Then there is the possable disappointment, as this is not a 100% drop. I was on the computer for eight hours, (I know, insane.) And no, I did not get the drop. It was that moment of revelation (that my life off the computer is much more fulling) that decided for me. I play the game as I want to but I refuse to spend more than four hours at a time/ ten hours a week on the game.

So, enjoy it. I do, really. Just take it all in moderation, it is after all, just a game.Buy Final Fantasy XI: The Vana'diel Collection 2008!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Final Fantasy IV Advance

This is the second best Final Fantasy ever. Final Fantasy VI is the only one which beats it. This also has the second best array of characters (once again beaten out by VI).

Okay, the storyline is the best thus far in the series, starting out with a familiar theme: an oppressive empire plans to conquer and rule the world. However, this also mixes in another common element of Final Fantasy: the Crystals. The kingdom of Baron is plundering all of the Crystals for the ultimate power, unknowing that they are only a puppet. Cecil (one of the best main characters ever) is a Dark Knight who questions the authority of his king and his own struggles within himself. Rosa is a White Mage and his girlfriend who is constantly worried for him (not annoyingly, though). Kain is the leading Dragoon and Cecil's best friend who is also secretly his worst enemy for the love of Rosa, thus completing the love triangle. From here opens up a kaleidoscopic array of characters and their own struggles within themselves and the overbearing empirical rule of Baron.

This is the first game to institute the Active Time Battle system, the battle systems used in most Final Fantasy games. When one of your character's time line fills up, you can issue his/her commands. While he/she executes the command, you can choose another character's command and let the battle unfold. This is one of the best battle systems ever created for the RPG genre. While not as strategical as the turn-based system, it keeps you thinking on your toes.

The music is almost at its peak as Nobuo Uematsu once again captures the imagination of the deepest thinkers. The final boss battle music is the second best boss battle music in all of Final Fantasy (ONCE AGAIN behind VI).

This is the first game to incorporate the relationship between brothers. Cecil and Golbez are mortal enemies practically until they find out they are brothers. Then, it comes down to Cecil trying to find it in his heart to forgive him. This is one of the most touching stories in all of Final Fantasy. I certainly love it.

All in all, a great game and one that will surely stand the test of time with the best of the best. A treat for all fans, old and new.Buy Final Fantasy IV Advance!

Final Fantasy III

Final Fantasy VI, released as III in North America, hails from all gamers of the 2D era as one of the greatest games ever made. The first game in the series to have a "modern" theme to it, this title follows the exploits of Terra, an enslaved soldier in the Ghestahlian Empire, as she and two lowly soldiers are sent to investigate the recent discovery of an Esper frozen in ice near the mountain town of Narshe. All hell breaks loose when the Esper links with Terra, removing her slave crown and blanking most of her memory. The story follows as she joins up with the treasure hunter Locke and several others as they head on an epic journey of self discovery and more in the pursuit of stopping the Empire from gaining full control of the lost art of Magic.

The story reaches out to many audiences by dealing with a wide range of topics, from tragic love stories to issues such as teen pregnancy and suicide. The story is unexpectedly emotional, made even more powerful thanks to the 10/10 soundtrack by famed FF composer, Nobuo Uematsu.

There are currently three versions of this game available in North America; the SNES version here, the port of it on the PlayStation in FF Anthology, under its original title of FFVI, and a recent port to the Game Boy Advance, which has a much better translation and an extra dungeon. In my opinion, the original is best. The PS port had grueling load times, and the sound quality took a loss. The GBA port has a notch above the others with the better translation, which makes the experience (most notably the opera scene) a hundred times better. It also incorporates a "run" button, and the new dungeon adds a little more time to the experience. With all of those upgrades, you are left wanting to play it on the television, and with a better sound quality, and the Game Boy Player does not do it justice at all. If you're in need of experiencing this epic in full quality, you'll want the SNES version. Just grin and bear it through the translation (and after you get to the opera scene, YouTube the GBA version of the scene. SO much better.).

In short, this is the title in the franchise referred to by fans of the series as "the masterpiece", and typically beats out its successor in "top xx games of all time" lists across many publications. Truly a great game, and is easily worth $40 fourteen years after its release. 10/10.Buy Final Fantasy III!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

R-Type Final

The graphics and music are good and there is a small story during gameplay. Biological bosses at the end of levels are weird and done well.Buy R-Type Final!

Final Doom

This was a gift for my husband, he loves playing this game. He plays it with the grandkids.Buy Final Doom!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Call of Duty: World at War Final Fronts

Purchased this for my grandchildren, their request. They have spent many enjoyable hours getting to new levels. They finally got them all, it was fun they siad and a good challenge.Buy Call of Duty: World at War Final Fronts!

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

I rate this game 3 out of 5 stars. It's more different from the other FF games that I played, but its not all bad. The jobs are fun to play with, and the storyline is interesting.

However, the time it takes to build jobs for promotion is frustrating, as well as having to equip weaker items just to teach skills. The endless battles and the arbitrary rules (I EFFING HATE THE EFFING RULES) are what dampen a game with a lot of potential.Buy Final Fantasy Tactics Advance!

Friday, March 13, 2009

FINAL FANTASY Tactics: The War of the Lions Official Strategy Guide (Official Strategy Guides (Bradygames))

The strategy guide came very quickly and in the conditioned stated. Thank you very much for the excellent service.Buy FINAL FANTASY Tactics: The War of the Lions Official Strategy Guide (Official Strategy Guides (Bradygames))!

Nancy Drew: The Final Scene

This was our first time with the PC game. (Me 40+ and daughter 10+ yr old). I was worried at first because my daughter choose to do the Senior Detective. It was awesome! We had a notebook and took notes throughout the game. Lots of fun! Very addicting! We are on Haunted Mansion right now. The excitement of discovering clues, finding keys etc.... causes us to give each other high a fives and hugs! Enjoy!!! We sure do!Buy Nancy Drew: The Final Scene!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Final Fantasy V Advance

I am a total fan of FF, starting with Tactics on PS2. That game was so cute to me and also so much to do! That is the best thing with these games; they take time, and thought (even with the mindless repetitive leveling up), and they are obviously made with care! Graphics are always outstanding. I think this game is just as cute, I personally like its story, and the lil facial expressions of the characters LOL.I'm just enchanted with this game and very glad I got it and will be getting the others for my DS also.

One Caveat: weird price fluctuation from $20 to $60 in one week?Buy Final Fantasy V Advance!

Final Fantasy II

The story in this game is definitely the best out of all of the FF games. The scope, spectacle and score of the game speaks to the incredible imagination of the creators. It should be made into a movie! (motion picture not anime)It would be a great epic worthy of an academy award. Perhaps ten or so games stick out in my mind from the SNES that are worth having, this one is in the top five.Buy Final Fantasy II!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

FINAL FANTASY IV Official Strategy Guide (Bradygames Official Strategy Guides)

It is well-known that Final Fantasy IV is one of the more difficult games to reach the DS. For those who don't already know, the game chronicles the adventure of Cecil and his party of stalwart friends in their quest to save the world by retrieving the crystals from the clutches of the evil nemesis, Golbez.

This BradyGames Guide is very useful for those who need anything from simple tips and strategies to a complete walkthrough of the game. It is packed with detailed information on the game including a very thorough bestiary, detailed stats on weapons, armor and other items, a description of spells and augments as well as data on all the playable characters in the game.

The Guide also contains complete maps of all the areas in the game (i.e. dungeons, towns, castles etc) and highlights where hidden treasures can be located. It also points out what items are available from the various shops within each town and makes suggestions as to what weapons, armor etc should be bought.

As a walkthrough, the Guide is very comprehensive. It provides concise instructions on what to do at each stage of the game without giving away the plot twists (and there are many plot twists in the game). The Guide also does a great job of identifying the major battles at each stage of the game and provides detailed information about each boss' stats and instructions on how best to defeat the boss. While the player is free to use a different attack strategy, the Guide does serve as a fallback if all else fails.

Lastly, the Guide also contains information on the secrets within the game itself such as secret boss battles, hidden areas and strategies on how to improve your Whyt (and earn extra costumes in the process).

In summary:

+ A thorough guide, packed with heaps of information and useful data.
+ Provides a clear walkthrough of the game without giving away the story and surprises in the plot.
+ The information is presented in a easy to read and understand format.
+ Contains maps, screen shots etc in full color making it easier for the player to relate the Guide to the game itself.
+ Identifies the secrets within the game which players may not be aware of.

- The font sizes of some of the text may be a little small, but it's manageable nonetheless.
- There may be too much information to pick up though not all of it is relevant for the game.
- There are a few errors within the Guide but nothing too significant. One I feel I should point out (without giving away too much) is to simply this: if you lose the Lustful Lali-Ho, it can be replaced with the Ninja Sutra :)

Overall, I feel that this Guide is a great companion to the game. It gives the player a lot of useful information and leaves it to him/her to decide how much help he/she wants. In short, it's an ideal resource for those who are new as well as veterans of this game and the series.
Buy FINAL FANTASY IV Official Strategy Guide (Bradygames Official Strategy Guides)!

Final Fantasy XI Online: Wings of the Goddess Expansion Pack

This is only one of the many installments. FFXI is an amazing game, of all the mmo i have played FFXI by fr has to be the most organize and less frustrating to get use to. there is sooo mjuch to do in the game, starts out sow but once you hit 75(which might tae a month) thats when everything gets even more interesting. If you like rpg ffxi is for youBuy Final Fantasy XI Online: Wings of the Goddess Expansion Pack!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Final Fantasy XII (Collector's Edition)

Final Fantasy XII has basically everything all the others do, with a MMO twist in gameplay. More or less if you like MMO's you will probably have a plast playing this. Thumbs Up. Buy Final Fantasy XII (Collector's Edition)!

Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings Strategy Guide (BradyGames Signature Series)

Well. It was used and cheap. It really helped me out on my gaming. I work a lot and I really don't have all the time in the world to play them, so this helps me on my way.

Thanks guys.Buy Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings Strategy Guide (BradyGames Signature Series)!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles

at first i didnt think i was going to get what i wanted but i decided to give them a chance anyway. now that i know that im going to get what im paying for im sure ill be making more purchases with amazon.com. so if your not sure about the delivery but youre sure the item is what you want go for it and give amazon.com a chance.Buy Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles!

FINAL FANTASY(r) II Official Strategy Guide (Official Strategy Guides (Bradygames))

Well. It was used and cheap. It really helped me out on my gaming. I work a lot and I really don't have all the time in the world to play them, so this helps me on my way.

Thanks guys.Buy FINAL FANTASY(r) II Official Strategy Guide (Official Strategy Guides (Bradygames))!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Final Fantasy IV Protector Kit

This is a great case for the nintendo ds lite system. It fully covers the ds except for all ports, which are (obviously necessarily) left uncovered. It is very easy to put on and take off, and it does not scratch the ds in any way while doing so. To top it off, it comes with an extendable stylus! Much, much more comfortable than the regular size ones.

The case also has a great Final Fantasy IV design on it, although the Hori company does make the same case in clear, translucent black, translucent pink, two nintendogs styles, and a super mario style. I have a metallic rose ds lite, and the purple of the Final Fantasy design goes great with it. Also, the design is inside the plastic, so it will not wear or scrape off. Very durable product.Buy Final Fantasy IV Protector Kit!

Final Fantasy XI Online: Wings of the Goddess Expansion Pack

Final Fantasy 11 (FFXI) is different from the usual MMO. There are less quests for 1-2 people, and more time spent forming groups. Experience points mostly comes from fighting monsters in 6 man groups for 2-3 hours. NPCs are more memorable and their personalities plays a big part in the game's quests. Equipment is more precious, and advanced players will be familiar with the pros and cons of each piece. This game is more "hard core", and I wouldn't recommend it for casual players that want to stay casual.

Wings of the Goddess adds more options for the high level solo player. The additions are not as popular as Treasures of Aht Urghan expansion, but very nice. Campaign gives nice options for instant action.Buy Final Fantasy XI Online: Wings of the Goddess Expansion Pack!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Final Fantasy Tactics

This game was probably the second strategy rpg I have ever played. The funny(and perhaps sad) thing is that this may still be the king of the genre. I have been playing the game again and am still amazed at the depth and challenge of this game. The different jobs and skill each character can master is simply astounding. The challenge of the battles is tough but not impossible. Yes, you will have to play some random battles to level your characters a bit, but its worth it.

Seriously if you like strategy games and have not yet played Final Fantasy Tactics, you are missing one great game.Buy Final Fantasy Tactics!

Final Fantasy 8

Following a legend is never easy.....especially when that legend is considered by many to be the greatest RPG of all time. Even today, nearly twelve years after its release, Final Fantasy VII still receives all the accolades.....but Final Fantasy VIII does a tremendous job escaping the shadow of its predecessor. Let us take a closer look at the eighth installment in this best-selling series.


The star of this installment is Squall Leonhart, a student at Balamb Gardens, a military institution that trains people to become members of the internationally-revered mercenaries known as Seed. Final Fantasy VIII does have a unique plot - almost bizarre at times - but the further you advance in the game the more the plot unfolds into what one expects from the series. The game does take breaks from the main story as you play Laguna Loire, a soldier with ties to Squall and his companions.


Final Fantasy is famous for its battle system and in VIII that system shines. Final Fantasy VIII introduces the gamer to GFs (Guardian Forces) GFs are VIII's version of summoning spells, but with one huge advancement - as the GFs advance in levels they learn abilities that can then be used by the character wielding it by ways of junctioning.....these abilities range from finding hidden save points to eating monsters. There is also another key addition to FFVIII's arsenal. In past Final Fantasies you would need to learn spells before being allowed to use them......in FFVIII, you can only use spells that you have drawn out of enemies. For instance, say you draw eight life spells from an enemy, you are then allowed to use the life spell eight times.....to use it again you must draw out more life spells. Spells can also be juntioned to your characters to boost stats. Example: Junction eight life spells to your HP and your HP will receive a boost. Weapons have also received a new feature.....no longer are you required to find weapons.....your weapons need to be upgraded by finding parts throughout the realm and applied to your starting weapon to become more powerful. But the best aspect of FFVIII is the Triple Triad - a card game that can be played after you obtained cards from various sources. You play by approaching NPCs and the rules vary depending where you are - each town has its own set of rules. The rewards are minimal, but it is fun to play.

Graphic and sound:

As ever, the graphics and sound are stunning, and when you consider that this game was released eight years ago for the PS1, you'll realize just how stunning they really are.

Final Thoughts:

So, was Final Fantasy VIII able to step out of its predecessor's shadow? It does so and then some. This is a great addition to the family that will keep even the most dedicated gamer busy for weeks. Buy Final Fantasy 8!