Final Fantasy XI online is an MMORPG worth investing in. The graphics are beautiful, the jobs are diverse, and you can choose from four different races of inhabitants. The cities are fully functioning with Mog Houses for the players, where you are assisted by a Moogle, auction houses from which you can buy practally anything or sell any unneeded gear, and many NPC inhabitants from whom you can gather information or take on missions.
It is easy to get lost in this world of Vana'diel in your efforts to escape daily stress or just immerse yourself in the game play. I play a mithra (cat person) with my main job being thief. The game play is fun and the developers have made it easy for incoming players to level quickly on their own. There are still many fights that take an alliance of 18 or more people to take down, and there is the possability of getting better pieces of eqipment from these fights. I would highly reccomend finding a linkshell (an ingame community of players who have similar interests and goals in the game) to get help with learning the ropes and eventually getting through the missions and higher level fights as you progress.
My only complaint (and the only reason I didn't give this a 5 star rating) is that many of the higher level fights take soooooo long. For example, as a thief there is an item highly desired called a swift belt. To get this, you have to fight in one area for an item to spawn the enemy that will drop the belt. You then have to go to the other area where you trade this item to ??? to get the mob to spawn. Through out all of this, you are also fighting other mobs in the area, due to agro or just to clear the area. You cannot solo a swift belt run and so many of the alliance may also have/need the item to pop the mob. Then there is the possable disappointment, as this is not a 100% drop. I was on the computer for eight hours, (I know, insane.) And no, I did not get the drop. It was that moment of revelation (that my life off the computer is much more fulling) that decided for me. I play the game as I want to but I refuse to spend more than four hours at a time/ ten hours a week on the game.
So, enjoy it. I do, really. Just take it all in moderation, it is after all, just a game.Buy Final Fantasy XI: The Vana'diel Collection 2008!
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