Monday, March 16, 2009

Final Fantasy IV Advance

This is the second best Final Fantasy ever. Final Fantasy VI is the only one which beats it. This also has the second best array of characters (once again beaten out by VI).

Okay, the storyline is the best thus far in the series, starting out with a familiar theme: an oppressive empire plans to conquer and rule the world. However, this also mixes in another common element of Final Fantasy: the Crystals. The kingdom of Baron is plundering all of the Crystals for the ultimate power, unknowing that they are only a puppet. Cecil (one of the best main characters ever) is a Dark Knight who questions the authority of his king and his own struggles within himself. Rosa is a White Mage and his girlfriend who is constantly worried for him (not annoyingly, though). Kain is the leading Dragoon and Cecil's best friend who is also secretly his worst enemy for the love of Rosa, thus completing the love triangle. From here opens up a kaleidoscopic array of characters and their own struggles within themselves and the overbearing empirical rule of Baron.

This is the first game to institute the Active Time Battle system, the battle systems used in most Final Fantasy games. When one of your character's time line fills up, you can issue his/her commands. While he/she executes the command, you can choose another character's command and let the battle unfold. This is one of the best battle systems ever created for the RPG genre. While not as strategical as the turn-based system, it keeps you thinking on your toes.

The music is almost at its peak as Nobuo Uematsu once again captures the imagination of the deepest thinkers. The final boss battle music is the second best boss battle music in all of Final Fantasy (ONCE AGAIN behind VI).

This is the first game to incorporate the relationship between brothers. Cecil and Golbez are mortal enemies practically until they find out they are brothers. Then, it comes down to Cecil trying to find it in his heart to forgive him. This is one of the most touching stories in all of Final Fantasy. I certainly love it.

All in all, a great game and one that will surely stand the test of time with the best of the best. A treat for all fans, old and new.Buy Final Fantasy IV Advance!

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