Thursday, February 26, 2009

Final Fantasy XI Online: The Vana'diel Collection 2008

I played this game for quite a while a few years back, and though it may be hard for new players to find their spot in the game, i cant deny that this game is one of the best MMORPGs ive ever played. The player can get immersed in this game to a level unlike other games. The Final Fantasy world provides YEARS (not even exageratting) of exploration.
though the leveling system may be very slow moving, the grind is worth it. id recommend this game to anyone. If you buy it, my name is Shalafayne, and id be glad to help you start the game, and link you with a good set of friends, as this is what can make or break the game for you. Buy it!Buy Final Fantasy XI Online: The Vana'diel Collection 2008!

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