Thursday, February 26, 2009

Final Fantasy IX

I'll try to keep this short by just saying things that stuck out to me:

1) The story is pretty good. A little familiar to the plots of FF's... oh, 1-5 maybe, but good. There are definitely enough differences.

2) Levelling up isn't that hard, but learning abilities can be a little annoying. You level up by the equipping armor/weapons that teach them. So if you come across, let's say, a more powerful magic wand for your black mage that teaches... let's say Flare but you haven't fully learned Osmose (and these are just examples), you need to keep the first one till you get enough AP to learn it without that weapon. Hopefully that makes sense; I know it's been somewhat of a hindrance to me when I play.

3) The music is definitely good... but I think 8's is better--though I like the regular-fight music more in 9 than in 8.

4) Summoning isn't possible until I think either the tail-end of Disc 1 or the beginning or so of Disc 2.

5) The ending is FANTASTIC. Kinda long though.

Overall, I love this game. It's well worth buying!Buy Final Fantasy IX!

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